


Tuesday, January 12, 2010


KUALA LUMPUR: Ministry of Health (MOH) will investigate the overall and detailed content related to waste water from car wash center that allegedly contain dangerous chemicals that can cause cancer.Deputy Minister Datuk Rosnah Abd Rasid Shirlin, said they took a serious view regarding the press reports on 27 Dec 2009, because it can threaten the health of society."MOH through the chemistry department is currently investigating the allegations involved to identify the detergents used really can be hazardous and can lead to cancer."A detailed and comprehensive study done to ensure that all car wash center using the same material (detergent) as exposed through newspapers, we can not accuse all car wash center use the same snow wash detergent .. maybe only a handful do so .. as a saying that goes one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel."However, if the claim is true regarding the car wash center using snow wash that contains dangerous chemicals, the ministry will not hesitate to take immediate action against the shop and may stop the shop from operating because it was directed life-threatening," he said.She said when contacted for comment on the Special Reports Sunday News, revealed that waste water from estimated over 10,000 vehicles car wash center in the country, contribute to the pollution of water resources between marine life that can cause cancer.It is due to the use of snow wash containing chemicals Linear Alkylbenzenes (LABs) without any restriction or prohibition, but nearly 95 percent of the central washing vehicles not equipped with a direct flow system and water treatment systems, but directly channeled to drain or river.Scientists and specialists of Environmental Forensics, Marine Pollution, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Prof Madya Mohd Pauzi Zakaria claimed if the vehicle washing waste water is boiled and drink even only by a drop, the one that drink the water will be diagnosed with cancer within 24 hours.Rosnah said the ministry took a serious view regarding the level of population health because if it really happened, many people will be exposed to the threat of danger."Studies done it will be exposed via media soon to ensure that the liquid contains chemicals such as alleged."In the near future, the MOH recommends that all employers in the center car wash drip heavy security that workers wear gloves and face protection equipment to safeguard security of person," he said.According to news from RTM TV1 on 29 Dec 2009 (8pm), the snow wash detergent that contains (LABs) may cause cancer to one that consume it, and it contributes to water resources pollution if not treated properly.


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